MultiPosition Evaporation Station Fully automated solvent evaporation integrated with your sample preparation The GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station (mVAP) performs solvent evaporation enabling automated sample concentration for lower detection limits as well as solvent exchange for improved chromatography and LC/MS ionization. mVAP is an option for the GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS). Up to 196 samples in…
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Gerstel Headspace
Headspace The GERSTEL MPS configured as Headspace Autosampler provides the analyst with a highly productive tool for performing GC Headspace analysis. The MPS is perfectly suited for routine analysis and for R&D applications that demand a higher degree of flexibility. Due to the modular concept, the MPS easily adapts to individual requirements in the laboratoty:…
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Gerstel Automated Weighing
Automated Weighing Standard autosampler vials are placed in the balance by the MPS and liquid samples, standards, reagents or diluents added, weighed and registered separately. For each sample, multiple liquid additions can be defined by mouse-click in the MAESTRO Software. Results are automatically transferred to pre-defined Microsoft Excel tables for convenient processing. Each sample is…
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Gerstel Automated Linex EXchange
Automated Linex EXchange routine analysis of samples with high levels of involatile compounds, particulates and other solid matrix materials. Matrix residue from samples can contaminate a GC inlet liner afterwithin a few runs, leading to peak broadening and loss of analytes through adsorption in the liner. Under such conditions, the analyst is forced to perform…
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