Gerstel Solid Phase Micro Extraction

Solid Phase Micro Extraction

Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) is widely used technique for extraction and concentration of VOCs and SVOCs combined with GC/MS. SPME is especially useful in the food, flavor and beverage industries and for environmental monitoring.

GERSTEL is a leading provider of SPME automation. Our systems are optimized for performance and throughput in every step of the SPME process. Up to 128 samples placed in standard Headspace vials can be analyzed in one batch.

Sample agitation with stir bars accelerates the extraction process and improves throughput. Mechanical fiber stress is reduced, leading to longer fiber life expectancy and improved instrument up-time. The PrepAhead function allows samples to be prepared in advance while the GC run is ongoing for improved throughput and system utilization. In addition, samples can be heated or cooled during storage and extraction, which is highly useful, for example for fresh food samples.

The Cooled Injection System (CIS) is a PTV-type GC inlet, perfectly suited for SPME analysis. The narrow-bore inlet liner ensures highly efficient analyte transfer to the GC/MS for best possible detection limits and separation efficiency. The patented Septum-Less Head (SLH) greatly reduces mechanical stress on the SPME fiber, extending its life expectancy. Septum coring and background peaks from septum material are eliminated, leading to better limits of detection and programmed heating helps ensure that analytes are introduced to the GC without thermal breakdown.

Efficient integrated control software:
MAESTRO software supports a wide range of techniques including SPME. The PrepAhead function optimizes productivity and throughput: Samples are prepared just in time in parallel to the GC/MS run. Every sample is introduced exactly when the analysis system becomes ready for best possible system utilization and sample throughput. Priority samples can be inserted without halting the sequence. MAESTRO can be operated independently or integrated with the Agilent Technologies ChemStation. Just one method and one sequence table runs the complete system from SPME to GC/MS analysis.

Visibility and overview:
The MAESTRO Scheduler provides a graphical overview of SPME steps and the total analysis time for the entire batch of samples, making it easy to plan your laboratory work. The effect of any change to the method on productivity is immediately seen on the display, making it easier to optimize throughput. Several user support functions for traceability and trouble-shooting. Remote viewing software enables more efficient support by the GERSTEL hot-line.
Multi-Fiber Exchange (MFX) flexibility:
The GERSTEL Multi Fiber Exchanger (MFX) is a unique automated fiber exchange option for the GERSTEL MPS. Using MFX, automated SPME analysis of a sample can now be performed using fibers with different polarity, covering a wide range of analytes and extracting the maximum amount of information. MFX is available with a 25-fiber option for analysis of fibers that are used for remote sampling.
On-Fiber Derivatization:
Using the MPS, a derivatization reagent can be added to the fiber prior to or following the extraction step. These tasks are simply selected by mouse-click in the MAESTRO software.
Automated conditioning in the CIS or in the MPS bake-out station ensures that the fiber is always clean and ready for the next sample. Well conditioned SPME fibers provide best possible analysis results and best limits of detection.

Solid-Phase-Micro-Extraction -SPME Brochure

Product Specifications

Vials 2, 10, 20 or 100 mL
  • 23 gauge
  • fiber sets for different analytes available
  • one fiber holder for all fibers
Fiber conditioning
  • inside fiber bake-out station or injector
  • before or after extraction
  • temperature set by user depending on fiber used
  • pre- or post-extraction
  • derivatization time max. 24 h
  • using standard Agitator
  • using Agitator Stirrer, for longer fiber-life
  • directly from tray
Special with MAESTRO Software only multiple sample prep-ahead